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So far jicc has created 103 blog entries.

Fourth Training to Municipality Absorption Neighborhood Officers

On February 18, we held the fourth training in the series that provides the Absorption Officers at the municipality with an introduction to the field of Cultural Competence.  The series covers topics such as organizational cultural competence, cross-cultural communication, tools for cultural competence, case studies and simulations.

In the workshop we learnt about medical models for inter-cultural dialogue with patients. Based on these models we formulated tools adequate to the needs of absorption officers and other service providers in their work with new immigrants. Special emphasis was given to political issues and inter-group tensions that are raised during meetings of the absorption officers with their clientele.

The absorption officers will examine the tools at work and during our next meeting in April we will conclude the discussion about the usability of such tools. In the last workshop in the series we will also focus on the role of these professionals as cultural competence agents in their neighborhoods.

A strategic group on Ultra-Orthodox – non-Ultra-Orthodox relations in Jerusalem – February 18, 2009

We reported in an earlier post that the JICC invited a group of Jewish leaders to begin a high-level process of discussions and negotiations on the future of Jerusalem. Since then the municipal elections took place, following which a group was quietly formed to look for agreed-upon strategies for Ultra-Orthodox and non-Ultra-Orthodox Jews to live together in the city.

It is interesting to note that at present the non-Ultra-Orthodox Jews who live in Jerusalem can only be defined by “what they are not”. In the past, the alternative to Ultra-Orthodox was “secular”, reflecting affiliations in the city. The “national-religious” and other traditional Jews were defined as “in-between”. Nowadays, the demographics of the non-Ultra-Orthodox group show that it can no longer be called “secular”. Yet, this group is perceived by many residents as hegemonic in Jerusalem. Also, in many ways, the anxiety of “Haredization” of the city is common to most of the non-Ultra-Orthodox residents – be them secular or religious.

On January 19, 2009, the group of high-level Jewish leaders met for the first time to begin the tough and hard dialogue on the future of the city, looking for shared strategies. the issue of affordable housing for all groups was raised as central. For the non-Ultra-Orthodox, the issue of culture was also prominent. It was claimed that for many Jerusalemites, the city is not attractive enough. The group agreed that Jerusalem needs to preserve its “conservative” character, while at the same time creating a vibrant cultural atmosphere.

Today, on February 18, the group met again to continue the learning process. Messages were deepened and it was agreed that towards the next meeting a document should be drafted for discussion.  Stay tuned for further reports as this important process unfolds.

Third Training to Municipality Absorption Neighborhood Workers

On February 4, we held the third training in the series that provides the Absorption Workers at the municipality with an introduction to the field of Cultural Competence.  The series covers topics such as organizational cultural competence, cross-cultural communication, tools for cultural competence, case studies and simulations.

In the training we continued and deepened our efforts to adopt Cross-Cultural Communication skills. This time, using the example of interaction between American guests and their hosts, their Israeli partners, we defined some of the main attributes of the Israeli manner of interacting and communicating. We applied these insights to interactions between Israelis who come from different cultural backgrounds, with an emphasis on new immigrants in Israel.

Next we examined positive and negative ways to judge behaviors of the “other” and how we can broaden the repertoire of behaviors that one can accept as legitimate. Yet, the main challenge is to find the bridge – to find the way to get the most out of the inter-cultural encounter. An interesting example was brought up by one of the participants regarding an Ethiopian couple who were supposed to go to the hospital for an important appointment that was set months in advance. At the last minute before their departure some of their family relatives showed up unexpectedly. According to their values and norms the Ethiopian couple had to host the guests. When they arrived to the hospital hours later the staff there were very angry with them.

At the training we took the opportunity to analyze this real life example, similar to many that we at the JICC encounter these days. We asked ourselves in which circumstances is it legitimate, in Israeli society, to arrive late to a medical appointment – e.g. death of close relative or a road closed because of a security threat. How would a “mainstream Israeli” act in order to ensure that she/he gets to the appointment even though he or she are late due to such reasons. We tried to work out how would it be possible for both sides – medical staff and patients – to get their interests and needs met in such a situation. This important example resonated with the training participants, who are exposed to similar cases in their daily work as service providers, and as those who try to help new immigrants navigate Israeli bureaucracy.

In the next meeting we will aspire to adapt medical models for inter-cultural dialogue with patients to the work of absorption officers and other service providers.

Tikkun Webinar 3 – the Jewish Response to Sex Traficking

Following our successful first and second webinars titled “Tikkun Olam”, we had today the webinar on the Jewish response to sex trafficking. The “Tikkun Olam” series involves Israeli and Jewish experts and volunteers from all over the world, who focus on helping people outside the Israeli/Jewish community.

Rita Chaikin speaks at the Tikkun Webinar 3

Dr. Rita Cheikin speaks at the Tikkun Webinar 3

We had around 30 participants from all over the world (see the Israeli and American invitations), including Israel, UK, US and the Czech Republic. The first presentation was given from Haifa by Rita Chaikin, Anti-Trafficking Project Coordinator at the Haifa Feminist Center, Isha L’Isha. It was titled: “Rehabilitating Trafficked Women — Monitoring Field Work with Victims of Trafficking in Israel”. The presentation is available here.

Example of flyers at the Tikkun Webinar 3

Example of fliers at the Tikkun Webinar 3

The second presentation was given from London by Dr. Michael Korzinski, Co-Founder and Clinical Director at the Helen Bamber Foundation. Its title was “Rebuilding Lives and Inspiring a New Self-esteem in Survivors of Sex Trafficking”.

More information and audio recording of the webinar can be found at the New-York – Jerusalem Experts Exchange site.

Interpretation Success in Alyn!!!

Just a month ago, we concluded the first medical interpretation training in Jerusalem, for around 10 staff members of the Alyn Hospital. Training graduates are currently being utilized for interpretation only sporadically, in their “spare time”, while the Alyn management prepares formal regulations for putting them into service.

But reality frequently cannot wait for regulations to be written. Following a training to municipality absorption neighborhood officers, where our model for Cultural Competence in health was presented, one of the officers approached the JICC for help. He told us about a family that immigrated to Israel from Belarus in December 2008 with a child that needs to be diagnosed and probably operated on. They were invited to Shaarei Tsedek and Alyn hospitals but the problem is that they speak only Russian. The absorption officer remembered that we work with Alyn and asked if we could assist with proper interpretation there. What seems nowadays obvious in most Western countries is still a challenge in Israel 2009 – medical interpretation is rarely available.

We could not help with Shaarei Tsedek as we do not work with them (yet…), and the family recruited a family friend to help there. However, in the Alyn hospital the check up process is six hours-long – six different professionals need to examine the child – and the family friend, who is a senior citizen, could not come for such a long time. We called Alyn and updated them about the situation.

One of the most important aspects in our model of Cultural Competence in Health is the designation of a management member of the health system to be responsible for the assimilation of the process into the hospital. This person is also the liaison between the system’s staff, the community, the patients, and us. The liaison in Alyn acted rapidly. Due to different constraints it was not taken for granted that the hospital could allocate one of the Russian-speaking graduates of the training for the whole day. But understanding that otherwise the six hours of examination will go to waste, the staff worked hard to find a solution.

Today, the family arrived to the hospital with the child and for the whole day, the Russian-speaking interpreter accompanied them from one health professional to the other. In the afternoon, we heard the feedback from all sides. The Alyn medical team thought that the interpretation was crucial and helpful. The family was most grateful and the absorption officer said that they were not only pleased with the interpretation, but also about the way the interpreter expressed her empathy and willingness to help. The whole process improved tremendously the potential for the surgery, together with the follow-up treatment instructions given to the family, will improve the medical condition of this child.

For us, this was a great example for how our systemic work with cultural competence in health can help people. We hope that soon allocating an interpreter to a patient with language proficiency needs will not be news. Just a regular procedure.

Ramot Open Space Initiative – follow up meeting

Tal Kligman and Hagai Agmon-Snir from the JICC met Ami Segev, the Ramot Community Council Director, and Oren Bolondi, the Ramot Community Organizer, the people who approached the JICC several months ago for help in creating a community dialogue process in Ramot through Open Space.

The Ramot professionals updated on the progress of the 10 initiatives that stemmed from the two Open Space events. It seems that almost all of the initiatives enjoy a lot of positive energy of volunteers and professionals that wish to act together and bring about change in the neighborhood. There are groups dedicated to transportation, neighborhood clean-up, relations between different religious denominations, playgrounds, education etc.

Our main tip to Segev and Bolondi was to promote transparency. It was wonderful to see that so much came out of the Open Space and that there is a good follow up process. But the Ramot residents themselves must be the ones to realize that. Hence, the updates will be reported monthly in the Ramot newspaper and people will be encouraged to join the process. And of course, according to the original approach of the conveners, we might see periodical Open Space meetings in the neighborhood. This is all about deliberative democracy – decision making in Ramot can be based on deliberation and contribution by all stakeholders.

Meeting of the Jerusalem Employment Coalition

For background on the Jerusalem Employment Coalition see our previous post.

Today we held a meeting at the East Jerusalem Family Center of the Municipality Welfare Department. Twenty five coalition members listened to officials of the municipality East Jerusalem Welfare Department who described the dire situation in East Jerusalem in terms of employment.

The obstacles for employment in East Jerusalem include a wide range of issues – from language and cultural barriers, to political obstacles and more – leaving little hope for fast improvement. There are only two municipality employees assigned to handle this situation, which affects the lives of 250,000 Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem. Leaders from East Jerusalem, as well as NGO representatives, all agreed that momentous action is needed in order to mend the situation. Another meeting will be held to achieve practical outcomes.

While this is a positive step, it is important to note that without a significant shift in the general attitude towards East Jerusalem it will be very difficult to tackle these problems effectively.

Second Training to Municipality Absorption Neighborhood Workers

Today, we held the second training in the series that provides the Absorption Workers at the municipality with an introduction to the field of Cultural Competence.  The series covers topics such as organizational cultural competence, cross-cultural communication, tools for cultural competence, case studies and simulations.

The meeting was oriented towards Cross-Cultural Communication. Using a couple of personal and team exercises each of the participants extracted the core values and beliefs that guides her/him in interaction with others. The experience helped participants see that these core communication factors are based on our cultural background and origin, and that when interacting with clients and colleagues of other cultures the differences might create cultural clashes.

The interesting insight that stemmed from the day was the realization that while we all accept various values and beliefs as important and valuable, each of us prefers some to the others and may translate them into different behavior patterns. Hence, if we allow ourselves to see the positive values behind someone else’s behavior, we may shy away from negatively judging them. This is an important step towards better cross-cultural communication.

We will deepen our cross-cultural communication skills in the next meeting.

Lod – Pipe bomb incident in Lod claimed to be terror-related

One of the headlines today, probably connected to the sad events in Gaza and South Israel, reads: Investigation of pipe bombs thrown at building inhabited by religious-nationalist Jews in central city of Lod leads police to believe attack was nationalistically motivated; search for suspects among Arab sector continues.

This morning we received a call from the Community Worker of Lod, Orit Ulizary, who is also the initiator and coordinator of the city multicultural forum, for which the JICC consults regularly. Orit gave an update about the pipe bombs that were thrown near the houses of national-religious members of the multicultural forum. It seems that their community experiences at the moment extreme tensions, including calls for “a proper response”. Based on the situation, meetings of Orit and ourselves with main leaders of the national-religious community, as well as with leaders of the Arab population in Lod, all members of the forum, will probably be held on Saturday evening (Motzaei Shabbat). No doubt that the situation is very sensitive at the moment, and we can only hope that the Lod Multicultural Forum will be able to be of help.

Tikkun Webinar 2 – the Jewish Response to Natural Disasters

Since 2004, the Jerusalem Inter-Cultural Center has a strategic partner in New-York – Cause-NY (of the JCRC-NY), headed by Rabbi Bob Kaplan. Use this link to learn more about this partnership. The program is funded by UJA-Federation of New York and the Jewish Agency For Israel.

One aspect of this fascinating exchange is our joint facilitation of a series of webinars on topics that are of interest for a specific community of activists globally. Previous series were on issues such as cultural competence in health, cultural competence at the workplace, community resilience and more. The new series we started this week deals with ”Tikkun Olam” and involves Israeli and Jewish experts and volunteers from all over the world, who focus on helping people outside the Israeli/Jewish community.

Dr. William Recant and the facilitators at the Webinar

Dr. William Recant and the facilitators at the Webinar

The second webinar was on “the Jewish Response to Natural Disasters” (see the Israeli and American invitations). 27 participants from the US, Israel and the United Kingdom joined the webinar. The presentations were given by DR. WILLIAM RECANT, Assistant Executive Vice-President, the Joint Distribution Committee, and by Dr. MIKE NAFTALI, founder and chairperson of Brit Olam. Both presentations gave good examples for Jewish and Israeli organizations working jointly to bring relief to various places around the world following natural calamities.

Dr. Mike Naftali and the facilitators at the Webinar

Dr. Mike Naftali and the facilitators at the Webinar

The next webinar in this series is scheduled for the end of January 2009.

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