Monthly Archives: March 2022

MiniActive – Empowering Women As Independent Business Women

MiniActive in cooperation with MaofBusiness Advancement Network in East Jerusalem – held a meeting on February 23 2022, attended by over 50 women. The workshop sought to empower the participants on their path as successful and independent business women. It offered training and success stories that inspired and encouraged the women to become entrepreneurs. 

This first meeting was facilitated by Alaa Abu Lail, Director of Business Accompaniment, and Razan Abdeen, Coordinator of Marketing and Courses. 

Here’s the post (in Arabic) about the first meeting from MiniActive’s Facebook page:


The second meeting was on March 23, 2022, the workshop dealt with the pressures of life, tasks, and responsibilities women face daily, whether they are housewives, entrepreneurs, or business owners. MiniActive’s women received tools for time and stress management that will also help them raise their self-esteem. 

Here’s the post (in Arabic) about the second meeting from MiniActive’s Facebook page:


Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation and Natan for their ongoing support of MiniActive!

2022-04-11T09:07:55+00:00March 23rd, 2022|Blog, Effective Activism, MiniActive|

Santé Israël – Continuing Awareness-Raising on Health Rights After Covid-19

Santé Israël has finally returned to face-to-face information evenings after a long period of COVID-19 gathering restrictions. Alya de Groupe – an organization that accompanies French citizens in their Aliyah process, coordinates a visit to Israel, and plans lectures for them on various subjects – invited Marie Avigad, director of Santé Israël, to give a lecture on the Israeli health system.

On March 7, 2022, Marie Avigad explained to a group of about 50 people at Qualita offices in Jerusalem, about the health system in Israel. Her workshop focused on common challenges faced by new immigrants, the similarities and differences from the French health system, how to navigate the system and fully access health rights. Marie also referred them to the Santé Israël website, where more information can be found in French.

Raising awareness about health care rights

The participants showed great interest in the lecture, which lasted more than an hour and a half as a result of the numerous questions they had. The questions were mainly about choosing their HMO, supplementary health insurance, nursing insurance, emergency medical centers, and more. They were very pleased to receive critical information and answers, and learn about Santé Israël website along with the fact that Marie is available to assist with any questions that they may have in the future. 


Many thanks to the Pharmadom Foundation for their continued support of Santé Israël over the years.

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