Monthly Archives: January 2021

Even Coffee is a Multicultural Business

Cultural Competence is needed everywhere – from healthcare, to welfare and city services, even to your coffee provider and other workplaces.

We’ve found that the HoliGame, produced as a joint project of the JICC’s Cultural Competency Desk and the Israeli Forum for Employment Diversity, has been a useful tool in introducing important concepts of cultural competency while having a bit of fun.

On January 18, 2021, the desk led a session of HoliGame with the Israeli division of the Nespresso coffee company.

Diversity workshop for Nespresso

Diversity workshop for Nespresso

Noa Tron, Director of the Israeli Forum for Employment Diversity, opened the session with a fascinating lecture on the importance of diversity in organizations, especially in light of the diversity in Israeli society. She also spoke about the viability of diversity, the immense benefits that a diverse and inclusive work environment has for the organization, given the great diversity of the society in which we live. More than 50 managers and workers gathered via Zoom to discuss dilemmas and questions surrounding events, dates and holidays in the Israeli calendar and other issues that often arise in a diverse work environment.

Michal, vice president of human resources at Nespresso, said as she opened the meeting:

Nespresso, as an organization, has set a goal of expanding and deepening its diversity, given the enormous benefits of a diverse and multi-identity work environment, and has been undergoing this process for the past two years. Therefore, as managers, employees and actors in an organizational environment, if we just open up our thinking about the existing diversity – with all the dilemmas, challenges – and opportunities – that this diversity entails – we will profit from an organization with a rich and interesting work environment, which is much better for its employees.

Here’s a Facebook post from Rachely Ashwal:

Many thanks to Nespresso, and to the Israeli Forum for Employment Diversity!

2021-02-13T09:54:47+00:00January 21st, 2021|Blog, Cultural Competence, Cultural Competence in the Workplace|

Little Prince – Making Jerusalem Clean through Public-Private Partnership

The Little Prince began almost four years ago (in the spring of 2017) with a goal: engage all of Jerusalem residents in one goal – making Jerusalem a clean city. Part of that goal – engaging the Jerusalem Municipality as a full partner in the process.

Not just any Zoom meeting

Not just any Zoom meeting

Yes, indeed that has happened. This picture is ‘just’ a screen shot of a Zoom meeting waiting to begin. But it means the world  – a recurring meeting, together with the Director of the Operations Division of the Jerusalem Municipality, demonstrating the true partnership that has developed, together with residents from all parts of the city. Here’s what our Tal Kligman, Director of the Little Prince initiative, had to say:

There is nothing like seeing the name of “The Little Prince” on the Zoom of the Jerusalem Municipality’s Director of Operations, to open the morning! This means that the partnership of the senior staff from the Operations Division (department managers, district managers and Itzik Nidam at the head) and the members of the Little Prince are significant and contribute to advancing processes.

This means that both sides understand the necessity of our partnership, and it means we are already deep into a work routine.

In general, residents can’t meet in the morning. But, see – yes we can! And senior municipal officials dedicate the morning hours to important issues and lo and behold! Residents are important.

This again shows the investment of of the Operations Division in public engagement, and its many successes:

  1. Satisfied residents. Very satisfied!
  2. Many compliments to the Operations Division, all its departments.
  3. A much cleaner city.
  4. Quick and efficient response to public inquiries and complaints.
  5. A system that functions professionally and with seriousness.
  6. Services and efficient functioning of the Operations Division.

These are significant accomplishments that took place as a result of the public participation. This has translated to:

  • Significant increase in the provision of reports by the municipal inspectors on cleanliness issues (littering, not picking up after dogs, leaving garbage bags outside of trash receptacles, and more).
  • Cleaning of many Public Private Spaces throughout the city as part of the Sanitation Department’s work plan. (The Municipality is not required to keep these places clean, but has agreed to do so. You can read about it here.)
  • Supervision of the work of cleaning subcontractors.
  • Adding compactors and cartons receptacles in shopping centers.
  • Cleaning of bus stops
  • Construction of rooms to hid trash bins in building complexes (in coordination with residents)
  • Regular days for clearing pruning and scrap

This is a small list of changes. We have no words to thank you, Operations Division, there’s no one like you.

Here’s Tal’s Facebook post in Hebrew:


Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation and the US Embassy in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv for its continued support of the Little Prince!

MiniActive 2020 in Pictures

MiniActive has been transforming Palestinian society in East Jerusalem through its 1,000-strong network of women since 2012. You can read about the amazing MiniActive network in this blog category.

Reminding patients of home

MiniActive helping in the fight against Covid-19: Reminding patients of home

But 2020 has been such a busy year, with so many activities and involvement with so many processes, sometimes seeing in pictures is best.

Here is MiniActive’s year in pictures. The writing is in Arabic, but the pictures say it all. Enjoy!


And many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundationthe US Embassy in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Model, and to Natan for their ongoing support of MiniActive!

2021-02-06T11:03:38+00:00January 6th, 2021|Blog, Effective Activism, MiniActive|
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