Effective Activism

Empowering Activists to Work toward a More Tolerant Jerusalem – the Second in a Series

One of our main tenets at the JICC is to encourage and foster effective activism, empowering residents to improve their everyday lives. From MiniActive to the Emergency Readiness Networks, to the Railway Park, residents are affecting their immediate public sphere, one issue at a time.

Since last summer, one of our main avenues of activity has been fighting racism and xenophobia in the public sphere, and fostering cadres of activists to lend their passion and intensity to the effort. We hold deep respect for these activists, who are constantly thinking of new and creative ways to promote tolerance in Jerusalem. And in the most activist of ways, they are working toward turning these ideas into reality, and creating hope for all of us for the future of Jerusalem.

In order to give these activists a helping hand, three months ago, we held the first of a series of Open Space Technology meetings. At that meeting, nine initiatives were presented, several of which continue to be developed today, from engaging leaders to public campaigns to speaking with the ‘other’ in Zion Square.

As we mentor these initiatives, we know that it is also critically important to keep opening up pathways for new initiatives as well. For this reason we held a second meeting for activists, using the Open Space Technology, on Monday, March 2, 2015, also at the Jerusalem International YMCA.

YMCA Open Space March 2, 2015

YMCA Open Space March 2, 2015

This meeting was considerably smaller than the last (50 instead of 100 participants), but it was much more mature and effective and we were equally excited by the outcomes. A total of 6 initiatives were presented. They included a Facebook page aimed at summarizing news from East Jerusalem in the eyes of Palestinian residents, a new ‘debate’ format for “Speaking in the Square,” initiatives to expand the cadres of activists and different ways to instill messages of tolerance in the public sphere.

Discussing Effective Methods

Discussing Effective Methods

This time, in addition to offering assistance in developing the strategic steps of the initiatives, we are also helping the different initiatives to “get the word out.” Together with the Jerusalem Foundation, we’re partnering with the Gug design agency, who were on hand at the meeting, who have begun to lend their expertise in  public relations, public campaigning, and more. We’ll also be consulting the initiatives in other ways, as well, as needed. Definitely, this activist energy is going to grow and impact the city, and we will do everyhting to help it happen!

Emergency Readiness Networks and MiniActive – Working Together in a Major Storm to Save Lives

Beginning of January 2015, the whole city of Jerusalem braced for what was touted to be a repeat of the Great Storm of 2013 – heavy snow pileups, cold temperatures, strong winds, the works. While pictures of snow in Jerusalem are beautiful, dealing with the effects of such weather, can be disastrous. And for Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem – where infrastructure is weak and housing is crowded to begin with, where services are inaccessible in Arabic,  where bureaucratic and other restrictions often prevent Israeli emergency services and service providers from responding in real time – the effects of a severe snow storm can be disastrous even more, and potentially fatal. It is for this reason that the Emergency Readiness Networks (ERNs) were first formed in 2012. In the storm of December 2013, they, together with our MiniActive network of women volunteers, acted tirelessly and valiantly around the clock to help residents weather the storm. This year, with a network of ERNs in 10 neighborhoods throughout Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, they again joined forces with MiniActive to help ensure residents’ safety and enable them to get through the storm.

Preparing for the Storm

Preparing for the Storm

Utilizing lessons learned from last year, the ERN’s worked in impressive coordination with the MiniActive network. The ERN’s ensured that the roads were safe and clear, fires were being fought, residents rescued, and ambulances transported the sick to hospitals. The MiniActive network helped tens of thousands in their support and organization. They led drives for blankets, heaters, and food, which the ERN members distributed to the old, sick and needy. They coordinated complaints to the electric company for power outages, the water company for flooding, and to other service providers as needed.

As with any emergency preparation, the real work did not begin on January 6, when the rain and gale-force winds started. In the week beforehand ERN heads in Jerusalem underwent refresher exercises, where they reviewed the various protocols. They were then sent to renew contact with the various professionals, owners of the bulldozers, 4×4’s and other heavy equipment, take stock of shovels, hoes, salt, and more. Also, a special emergency grant from the Jerusalem Foundation enabled the MiniActive network to distribute over 200 warm blankets to needy households. The MiniActive Facebook page also served as a massive bulletin board, posting guidelines from the ERNs, emergency numbers, and helpful information produced by the municipality.

Taking Stock

Taking Stock

Thus, when the storm hit on January 6-7, everyone was ready, or as ready as they could be. Snow plows worked in the north of the city, clearing the road from Shuafat to the Qalandia crossing as soon as there was snow on the road. At the same time, crews in Silwan, Ras el-Amud and Umm Tuba were distributing heaters and blankets to needy residents. When houses in A-Tur and Issawiya were flooded, the families were evacuated, the problems were reported, and the families received help in relocating until the problems were fixed.

Burnt house

Burnt house

Unfortunately, there were a number of extreme incidents – house fires in the Shuafat Refugee Camp and other places, and a house that partially collapsed in the Old City. But the ERNs worked tirelessly to ensure the residents’ safety, and MiniActive was active in collecting money and furniture and a range of household items to help the families get back on their feet as quickly as possible.

Collecting blankets

Collecting blankets

Efficient, Coordinated Work Result of Extended Preparation

The ERNs were able to act so quickly and efficiently because they had undergone extensive training and drilling, months beforehand. In 2013 we supervised a ‘Training the Trainers’ course, operated by the Palestinian organization “the Jerusalem Emergency Readiness Teams”, that enabled graduates to initiate ERNs in their own neighborhoods. The 8 new ERNs, which were formed and trained throughout 2014, are the result of this course. They include:

  • 15 participants from the Shuafat refugee camp, who were trained  from 30/9 until 30/12/2013
  • 22 participants from Kufr Aqeb, who were trained from 15/10/2013 to 28/01/2014
  • 19 participants from Isawiyya, who were trained from 26/10/2013 to 15/02/2014
  • 14 participants from Sheikh Sa’ad, who were trained from 1/3/2014 until 27/04/2014
  • 14 participants from Wadi Al-Joz, who were trained from 12/4/2014 until 20/07/2014
  • 17 participants from Shuafat, who were trained from 10/9/2014 until 11/12/2014
  • 17 participants from Umm Tuba, who finished training at the end of 2014
  • 14 participants from Bet Hanina, who will finish the training on February 5, 2015

They joined the veteran Network in Sur Baher, which was originally founded in 2012 and the Jabel El-Mukaber Network, which was founded in 2013.

Fire and ambulance helping the family whose house collapsed in the Old City

Fire and ambulance helping the family whose house collapsed in the Old City

The establishment of an ERN requires a detailed planning process. First, appropriate team members are recruited, and the exact physical boundaries of the ERN are defined. The next step is to map the various aspects of action: what type of potential emergencies they will be prepared to respond to; what types of special conditions exist in that neighborhood (geographical terrain, roads, roadblocks, population overcrowding, structural weaknesses, etc.); what types of resources exist in the neighborhood – professionals, equipment, facilities, etc. Action plans are then defined, including establishing which emergency providers are to respond to which scenarios, and how they can be reached. The organizational structure of the ERN must also be defined and responsibilities distributed – a volunteer coordinator is chosen, as are a logistics team, a team that maintains contact with Israeli service providers, a social worker team, medical team, evacuation team and more, and the responsibilities of each person on the team are determined. The last and final step are simulations of emergency situations to ensure that the process works smoothly.

Clearing snow and ice in Issawiya

Clearing snow and ice in Issawiya

Taking Emergency Readiness – and Community Solidarity-Building – to the Next Step

We have come a long way, but much remains to be done. ERNs have been established in less than half of the Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. Existing teams must be further cultivated to maintain and improve their efficiency. In addition, the plan is to further develop existing teams, so that current members themselves become team leaders, with each person in charge of a separate aspect, such as communication, facilities, equipment, the needy, and team leaders must recruit and train those teams. A detailed facilities mapping has also yet to be performed in the neighborhoods. This mapping will include the locations of different facilities, such as mosques, schools, doctors’ offices, bakeries; their contact information and how they can be used in an emergency.

Food for distribution in Issawiya

Food for distribution in Issawiya

The ERNs and MiniActive have shown us once again that responding to emergencies is not just about repairing electricity and draining flooding. Both projects aim to create teams and networks that build community as well.  People with different areas of expertise from medicine, social work, electricity to bulldozer operator – all work together to help their neighbors and their neighborhood.

We would like to thank Jerusalem Foundation for its continued support of this project, and the Daimler AG, which supports the project via the Jerusalem Foundation. And of course, this project would be nowhere without the training and on-site coordination of the “Jerusalem Emergency Readiness Teams” organization, and the volunteers from the ERNs and MiniActive.

Plowing snow

Plowing snow

MiniActive Youth – Now Empowering Teens as Well

We never ceased to be amazed by the MiniActive project – the scope and volume of their activity (some 1,000 activists, 7,800 subscribers on their Facebook page), what they’ve been able to accomplish, all are the subject of our admiration.

Until a few days ago, MiniActive was only for women above 18 years old (up to 70 and beyond…). Last week we started our first groups of teenagers, “MiniActive Youth“. The program includes training on how to be pro-active in changing one’s immediate environment. They will assist their mothers (who are MiniActive volunteers) in identifying projects for improvement, and also lead other teens in neighborhood-based beautification projects. Because they are minors, their mothers will make the calls to the municipal hotline or other service providers, but they will be the ones doing all the footwork.

The first group of teenagers is in Issawiyah (and a few more are formed now), and this group decided a week ago to take care of one of the old, run-down staircases in the neighborhood. They cleaned it, and then painted it, taking inspiration from the “Rainbow Stairs” that made headlines in Turkey last year, as well as our own local version.

Issawiya Stairs

Issawiya Stairs: before and after

Issawiya stairs: beginning work

Issawiya stairs: beginning work

Painting in progress

Painting in progress









May this be the first of many successful projects of this group!

MiniActive Women – Opening Critical Lines of Communication

On December 28, 2014, our MiniActive women activists found a notice on a few walls in Shuafat and Beit Hanina, stating that the next day there will be no water in this large area due to maintenance work. The activists understood that these postings would not reach very many people. There is no formal way to spread the word in East Jerusalem, and it was obvious to them that many would find themselves unprepared for a full day without water.

So we used our Miniactive Facebook page. Around 6,000 of the 7,800 on the page are Palestinian Jerusalemite women 18-34 years old (this is 15% of this age group in East Jerusalem!!). We boosted the post and in a few hours, it was “virally” spread to more than 8,000 residents! This meant that almost all the relevant families knew on time!


Notice for water line maintenance – and the statistics of the Facebook post

This is not the first time that we use the MiniActive network for spreading such a message. A few months ago, when there was a suspicion of sewage getting into the drinking water, we used this communication channel to spread the word about using only boiled water. Then, too, it worked very well.

Changing the Music – Expanding the Fight against Racism and Xenophobia

“Today the streets are filled with a ‘music’ of hatred and intolerance. Jews, Arabs, religious, secular, right, left, anyone who is not ‘us,'” notes our own Tal Kligman. “We have to change the ‘music’ that’s playing out there.” This was the impetus for the Open Space Workshop for Activists and Organizations that we facilitated at the Jerusalem International YMCA on November 24, 2014. “We expected 20 – 30 people to come,” continued Tal. “We did relatively little advertising – Facebook, a few mailing lists. But we’ve obviously hit a nerve – more than 100 people came to the meeting, and more than 150 people have asked to join the GoogleGroup we’ve established since the meeting. The event  received many likes on Facebook, and a number of people have told us, ‘Thank you! We’re so happy to have a framework in which to do something about the situation.'”

Indeed, the situation has been difficult. On the backdrop of the kidnapping and killing of the three Jewish teenagers, the kidnapping and killing of an Arab teen, and the military operation in Gaza that began in the summer months, the Jerusalem street has been anything but quiet. Verbal and physical attacks from all sides, to all sides, have raised fear and tension throughout the city.

We’ve been working since our inception to open channels of communication between different population groups in Jerusalem. But over these past few months we’ve been working more intensely to stem the tide. As soon as the Arab boy was found we augmented our efforts to bring calm to the city. We also stepped up our work to bring positive messages to the public sphere. We were – and continue to be – on the ground, in public squares, engaging people – left, right, vocal demonstrators – in dialogue as a means to decrease violence in these areas. Both national and local newspapers have written about us here and here.

Initiating in Open Space

Initiating in Open Space

Still, for us, this was not enough. Incidents continued to occur, and fear continued to abound. Within the Arab-Palestinian sector of Jerusalem, most of our relevant work on this issue is through our on-going activist networks of MiniActive, Emergency Readiness Networks, etc. In our work in the Jewish sector, we found that there are a lot of people and initiatives, who might have different political views but all believe that violence, incitement and fear are not the way forward. So we decided to bring them all together to brainstorm, network, strengthen existing initiatives and create new ones, all in an effort to advance a more tolerant Jerusalem. Thus, the Open Space Workshop for Activists and Organizations was born.

Over the past few years, with the assistance of the UJA- Federation of New York, we’ve been working to engage with individuals to improve inter-group relations and promote deliberative democracy within communities as well as to solve common problems and advance common initiatives. It was an immediate outgrowth and a natural extension for us to use the approaches developed in this ongoing program to tackle issues affecting the public sphere of the entire city. Indeed, we used a methodology in this event that we developed over the past two years, based on Open Space Technology, that is well-adapted to energetic activists.

Choosing Initiatives

Choosing Initiatives

The atmosphere at the Workshop was both accepting of everyone and all ideas, and charged with an exciting eagerness to get down to work. The Open Space methodology enabled people to connect, discuss and create working teams for their ideas and initiatives. Participants broke into groups according to the initiatives they felt passionate about, and brainstormed about the next steps to advance and develop their initiatives.This passion was palpable in the air throughout the evening.

Ideas ranged from expanding existing initiatives to new ones. One example is “Speaking in the Square,” which has been focusing, since the summer months, on creating a new approach for approaching teens and adults in the streets (e.g. Zion Square, which is known as a center of non-tolerance in Jerusalem), and having effective dialogue with them about tolerance and xenophobia. (In the above links, we wrote about this exciting group of volunteers and their novel approach.)  For the Hebrew readers, a new article about this group was published in Maariv recently (the print edition can be found here). As a result of the Workshop, partnerships were formed between this volunteer-based group and a number of organizations who are willing to teach their dialogue methodologies to these volunteers, as well as learn from them.

Another existing initiative looks for ways for the tolerant voice to reclaim the public sphere. Yet another, newer, initiative sought to influence key decision-makers. All these initiatives had an opportunity during the event to find new passionate members and partners, gain some new ideas and directions, and find means of cooperation among themselves.

Working Group

Working Group

New activities have already started, like sticker and T-shirt campaigns with anti-racist sayings, working with businesses that employ Arabs to make sure that they are not threatened in attempts to make them to fire their Arab workers, engaging in dialogue in mixed Jerusalem neighborhoods as Abu-Tor, mutual teaching of Arabic and Hebrew by Jews and Arabs etc.

Since the Workshop the JICC has opened up an Internet-based forum to enable activists from all the initiatives to continue to network and share ideas and experiences. We promised to mentor the initiatives and to have more energetic meetings for the initiatives in two months time.

We can’t close without a huge thanks to our strategic partners in this work, the Jerusalem Foundation, and the UJA- Federation of New York, who contributed in many ways to the success of our work in this new direction of fighting xenophobia in Jerusalem. We believe that many of the activities and approaches we use in Jerusalem can be of use in other places in Israel (and probably beyond).

2014-12-05T14:07:30+00:00December 4th, 2014|Blog, Effective Activism, Promoting Tolerance in Jerusalem|

New Courses in Handicrafts for MiniActive Volunteers

We’ve spoken proudly about our MiniActive network, which today encompasses 900 women in East Jerusalem who work day in, day out to improve everyday lives for them and their families. The network also includes over 7,400 likes on its Facebook page.

MiniActive handicrafts

MiniActive handicrafts

Since the beginning of the program in 2012 we’ve not only wanted to develop the network’s grassroots leadership and professional skills, a main goal has also been to foster community through a wide range of enrichment activities. Over the past few years this has included photography courses, environment and health courses, exercise classes, tours and trips, and more.

This year we’ve added yet another aspect of community-building – handicraft classes. Thus far there are some 30 women participating in a class in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City. Additional classes – also with 30 women in each – are slated to open in Issawiya (northern Jerusalem), Umm Tuba – Sur Baher (southern tip of Jerusalem), and Kufr Aqeb (northern tip of Jerusalem).

Handicrafts Workshop

Handicrafts Workshop

Activists Wage Vigilante Efforts against Racism in Jerusalem – Haaretz article

This summer, Kikar Zion (Zion Square) in Jerusalem became a hot spot of xenophobia. It was not the first time for the Square, but this new wave began after the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish boys in June 2014.  Nir Hasson reported in Haaretz on July 1, 2014:

Since the discovery of the three Israeli teens’ bodies on Monday, tensions have been rising between Jews and Arabs in Jerusalem with several assaults reported overnight. On Monday evening a spontaneous vigil was held in Zion Square, where people lit candles, prayed and sang. Yet on the sidelines of the vigil groups, young people gathered and began marching through the center of town yelling “Death to terrorists” and “Death to Arabs.” Most of these groups dispersed before any violent incidents occurred, mainly because many Arab workers were away for Ramadan. However, several assaults were reported overnight.

Interestingly, as documented in Hasson’s quote above, there were others, mostly students, who came to the exactly same Square to mourn and spread an alternative option for tolerance. These activists continued to come to the Square in the following months. In mid-August, we at the JICC decided to help this spontaneous group. While keeping it independent of any formal or organizational connection, we began to help in logistics, in convening meetings of the activists, in professional consultation. And yes, some of us became part of the group as activists… Hagai Agmon-Snir, the JICC director, wrote a Facebook post about his all-night experience at the Square.

Following the above Facebook post, Nir Hasson decided to come to Zion Square to write about it. He published the article in Haaretz on September 12, 2014 (Acrobat version) and the article was translated into English by Haaretz and was published in this version the following day (Acrobat version).

Here is the full text of the article:

Activists wage vigilante efforts against racism in Jerusalem

Faced with the rising prominence of Lehava, an anti-Arab organization, two groups try to promote dialogue and curb violence in the capital.

By Nir Hasson | Sep. 13, 2014 |

Every Thursday and Saturday night, Jerusalem’s Zion Square becomes a scene of confrontation. On those evenings, activists from Lehava – an organization whose name is a Hebrew acronym for “fighting assimilation in the Holy Land” – gather in the square, dressed in black shirts emblazoned with the words “Jewish honor guard,” to hand out fliers bearing slogans like “don’t let your daughters work with Arabs” and “don’t buy from stores that employ your enemies.”

After midnight, the black-shirted activists dismantle their unauthorized booth and begin to disperse, and police presence thins out. That’s when things turn violent: Youths harass passersby, attack taxi drivers and interrogate couples to determine whether they are Arabs or Jews.

Facing off against the racism, for the past two months, have been two different groups. One, which calls itself City Guard, is composed of veteran left-wing activists and sees its mission as protecting the victims. If their very presence doesn’t deter attacks, they will call the police and even physically interpose themselves between assailants and their prey. They start work around 1 A.M., when the Lehava activists begin to disperse and when people start spilling out of nightclubs, often drunk and ripe for violence.

The second group is more diverse, comprised of religious, secular and formerly religious students, mostly from Jerusalem but some from West Bank settlements. They see their job as trying to persuade the Lehava activists that racism is wrong, or at least to mitigate the violence.

Lehava activists have been instructed by the organization’s leaders not to get into debates with the students, but most ignore this order. The arguments often turn into cussing matches and even shoving spats. But occasionally, they manage to spark serious discussions about Judaism, nationalism, racism and human rights.

This summer’s war in Gaza and the rioting in East Jerusalem have been good for Lehava, turning it from a marginal group into a proud organization with hundreds of activists in many cities. Its Facebook pages may have been taken down, but it gets plenty of media coverage, which reached a peak three weeks ago when Morel Malka, a Jew who converted to Islam, married Mahmoud Mansour, an Arab.

Its opponents say Lehava is the wellspring from which violence against Arabs in Jerusalem flows.

Ofek Birnholtz, a doctoral student in physics, is one of the founders of the group of students that tries to reason with Lehava members. Last Thursday, he had a long and stormy discussion with one activist about Judaism’s attitude toward the stranger. “I won’t convince him,” Birnholtz admitted, “but maybe I’ll make him think a little more. The very fact that we’re here creates a dynamic of less violence and more dialogue. It’s a holding action.”

Hagai Agmon-Snir, director of the Jerusalem Intercultural Center and another member of the dialogue group, added, “When we talk with these teens, they insist they aren’t violent and aren’t coming from a place of racism or hating Arabs, that they just oppose assimilation. I’m not so naïve to think there’s no racism there, but this says it’s important to them to remain within the camp that says it’s not racist, and that’s a thread we can work with.”

Yovel Zim, a religious Jew from the settlement of Tekoa, said the Lehava activists “find it harder to deal with people like me. They immediately brand me as a leftist or say I’m not really religious because according to the Torah, all Arabs are enemies.”

But the one who annoys the Lehava members most is Yuval Ben-Ari, who insists on telling them about both his Arab roommate and his army reserve service. “I’m here because I returned from 35 days of reserve duty and heard that friends of mine had been beaten because they’re leftists,” he said.

One night, a Lehava activist tried to make him leave, shouting, “You’re nothing; you’re a wretch; you don’t care about anyone; you’re a disgusting egotist!” Soon Anat Gopstein, the wife of Lehava founder Benzion Gopstein, chimed in. “You don’t look to me like someone who does reserve duty and cares about the state,” she said. “You act like a sick person, a deviant.”

The harsh words aren’t unusual. Shoving ensued on the night in question, and the students say they are sometimes spat at. On one occasion a lit cigarette was thrown toward one of them. Nevertheless, they persist.

‘Authorities turn blind eye’

Some within the second group, the so-called City Guard, view the students’ efforts as wasted. Others even claim that their attempts at dialoge legitimize racism.

“It normalizes the situation,” says Eyal, a Jerusalemite and a co-founder the Guard. “You see the dynamic: There’s a booth that distributes racist flyers, and it’s surrounded by people who are standing around and talking like everything’s fine.

“There should be more physical resilience, awareness must be raised to make the authorities wake up,” he added.

Both groups agree that Israel’s authorities and mainstream society are turning a blind eye to racist activity.

“These days, shouting ‘death to Arabs’ in the middle of Jaffa Street is okay; nothing should be done about it,” Aviv Tatarsky says wryly.

“We shouldn’t be here,” adds Eyal. “We should be in East Jerusalem, shouting ‘occupation, occupation.’ The mainstream groups should be here – the youth organizations, city workers, and the police. But no one is here. Except for Reuven Rivlin, who spoke out, everyone is silent.”

According to Eyal, “Arabs are scared to walk around here … and the vast majority is willing to accept this.”

The municipality’s helplessness is evident as it disregards Lehava’s illegal booth, the leftist activists say. The dialogue group had asked the city to dismantle the stand early in the evening and was promised that action would be taken. Yet four hours later, no official had arrived on the scene.

The municipality, however, denied failing to enforce the law. A spokesman acknowledged that the booth was set up without a permit, but claimed the city had it dismantled immediately. The booth’s operators were informed that they must receive the city’s authorization to set up the stand, as well as for the content of the flyers it distributes. If they set up the stand again without a permit, it will be confiscated, according to the spokesman.

Both groups were founded on the evening that three Israeli teens who were murdered in the West Bank were laid to rest – hours before the murder of a Palestinian teen, Mohammed Abu Khdeir. On that day, a rightist demonstration turned into a series of violent acts targeting Arabs in Jerusalem’s center. Two days later, a leftist rally gathered in a Jerusalem plaza known as Cat Square to protest the violence. Some 1,000 activists arrived at the demonstration, organized by the Tag Meir organization. Once the speeches were over, the protesters quickly dispersed, to be replaced by Lehava activists.

“They started yelling ‘death to Arabs,'” recalls Birnholtz. “The [protesters] left and the city was once again forsaken, and we knew that we had another long night ahead of us.”

Banners for Inclusion

We at the Jerusalem Intercultural Center strive to make Jerusalem a place that is suited to its many identity group, and you can read all about our different activities throughout this site. However, this summer, we’ve developed another important dimension to our work, fighting growing xenophobia, and violence and racism in the public sphere. The kidnapping and murder of the three Jewish boys, followed by the kidnapping and murder of a boy from Shuafat, followed by the military action in and around Gaza and missiles throughout Israel, have left nerves in and around Jerusalem very very raw. Fear and despair of the situation, and of the ‘other’, seem to be higher than they have been in a long time.

first banner

The first banner – Jerusalem for us all

Such a situation is precisely a call to action for us at the JICC. Over the past few weeks, we have found that our expertise in bringing a number of voices to the table and finding alternative solutions is particularly relevant. We’ve been working with a number of organizations to try and combat these trends.

The second banner -We all live in Jerusalem

The second banner -We all live in Jerusalem

One example of our work has been producing hundreds 3’X2′ banners that remind us all that we are all living in Jerusalem and it belongs to all of us. Initiated in cooperation with the Shared Living Forum facilitated by the Jerusalem Foundation, the banners are written in ten (10!) languages, Hebrew and Arabic of course on top, but also Yiddish, Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Amharic and Tigrinya (a language spoken by many African refugees and asylum seekers). The banners are plastered on public notice boards all over the city, and they have received welcome responses from a wide range of people. This activity has even caught the press’ eye – we were in two different newspapers (in Hebrew) in the same weekend! One of these articles was translated into English. Here is the other article:

Kol Hair sept 12 2014

Kol Hair sept 12 2014

The articles don’t only talk about the banners that we’re involved in. They also talk about another important aspect to our work, and that is helping other initiatives, especially those working in downtown Jerusalem which has been the site of a number of violent incidents. Two of these initiatives include those who talk with and extremist Jewish group of youngsters who have set up a stand that gives out racist literature. A different group stands near Arab taxi drivers to make sure that violent incidents are prevented. While keeping this energy independent is very important, we give these initiatives organizational help: We helped them meet together and discuss next steps; we helped them develop better dialogue tools; we are also making sure that the activities are safe. In the future, we will help in providing supplies, flyers etc.


The JICC Calming the Waters in this Time of Crisis

garbage-cans-full1It’s been a difficult few weeks here in Jerusalem and in Israel in general. First the kidnapping and murder of 3 Jewish high school boys who had been studying in a yeshiva in the West Bank, then the kidnapping and murder of an Arab boy in Jerusalem, which sparked demonstrations in Jerusalem and even throughout Israel. And then missiles and air strikes and increased fighting.

We have been working to ease tension and conflict, and to promote civil engagement in Jerusalem’s future, since we were established in 1999. Thus, when tensions heightened and reached breaking points, we were there, trying to help residents re-gain order, first in their everyday lives, and then on a community and city-wide level.

Over the past few weeks we’ve played a key role in Jerusalem. We helped to spread a message of calm and a return to routine, through our broad network of contacts throughout the city.  In consultations with key figures we advised using a range of methods that successfully brought quiet to the streets relatively quickly. These consultations also returned routine services – garbage collection and sanitation, for example – back to the residents, reinforcing the feeling that everyone wished to get back to normal as quickly as possible.


It seems that these actions – and the influence of their messages – proved true in the field. Shuafat, the neighborhood where Muhammad Abu Khdeir (the Arab boy who was kidnapped and murdered) was from, became completely quiet during the day and incidents at night decreased quickly as well. Outbursts of violence and vandalism in different Arab neighborhoods were handled similarly, with similar calming results.

As soon as the military activity began in Gaza (July 6) and the missile attacks throughout Israel, including Jerusalem, we moved into a different mode of operation. We summoned the independent Emergency Readiness Networks that we helped to establish in East Jerusalem, which are a central component of the readiness of East Jerusalem in any emergency situation (from the snow storms in December 2013, to potential rocket fire like there is today) , and they continue to be on alert today. We are also helping many community councils in west Jerusalem that needed help in responding to the current crisis. For example, in the Greater Baka’a Community Council we helped to draft information and special messages of calm from the Community Council, which offered volunteer psycho-social professionals to help neighborhood residents. We advised other community councils regarding their responses to the situation as well.

In addition, because of our deep and extensive work in cultural competency in the health care system, we prepared special guidelines for health care workers for when social and political tensions are high, as they are now. In more normal times, hospitals and health care systems are often rare examples of coexistence and cooperation – between Jews and Arabs, religious, secular, ultra-orthodox (Haredi) Jews, etc. However, in times like now, when tension is palpable throughout the country, the situation inside hospitals and other health care institutions is affected as well. Indeed, in the past, there have been numerous instances of verbal and physical violence within hospitals, between patient and caregiver, between patients, and in rare cases, between caregivers. The guidelines help to delineate a professional response to prevent these situations and to deal with them quickly and effectively when they occur.

While today most of the attention is not on Jerusalem, we continue to work hard to maintain an everyday routine – and quiet. Under the circumstances it has become a state of “Emergency – Routine”. Much of the work continues to rely on the MiniActive and Emergency Readiness networks. The Emergency Readiness Networks continue to be on alert, ready to spring into action if necessary. The MiniActive groups continue, especially now, to contact service providers and report problems and demand repairs and improvements, which are able to take place because of the relative calm in the city. A lot of the work is being in contact with as much of the network as possible; the situation is not easy for any Jerusalem resident. Both Jews and Arabs are feeling the polarization and tension in the air.

Let’s hope for better times to come, soon.

Building a MiniActive Community

As we noted previously here and here on the blog, the MiniActive project is not only about improving immediate surroundings, it’s about improving everyday life for Palestinian residents – especially women – in East Jerusalem. As part of that mandate there have been a number of initiatives that were organized either by them, by us, or by others, that enable participants to improve their quality of life.

One example are the exercise classes. There are currently 3 groups – a total of 70 women – who exercise twice a week. Two groups are in the city center (meeting at the East Jerusalem YMCA), and the third group meets in Kufr Aqeb to the north.

A second activity is the series of tours around the Old City, given by our own Dr. Anwar Ben-Badis. There were tours throughout the month of May.

Old City tour

Old City tour

We’ve also taken some of the women on trips outside of Jerusalem. In February we took 55 women to the Tiberias hot springs, and on a boat trip on the Sea of Galilee.  At the end of May, and again last week,  we took another 50 women on a kayaking trip on the Jordan River in the north of the country.



MiniActive women are also participating in a photography course, organized by the Naggar school of Photography, Media, New Music, Visual Communication and Phototherapy in Musrara. Last year some 80 MiniActive women participated in the pilot program; we’re glad that eight more (out of a total of 20 participants) can take part this year in the highly professional program.

Photography course

Photography course

These are only a few examples of the activities for these effective women activists who transform East Jerusalem into a better and hopeful place. More examples will be reported in future posts!


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