
About Naomi Roff

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So far Naomi Roff has created 501 blog entries.

MiniActive Campaign ‘We Won’t Live in Filth’ Sees Results

Yet again, the MiniActive women in East Jerusalem have proven how effective their activism can be. After more than four months of their public campaign, “We won’t live in filth!” they’ve succeeded in obtaining an additional 3 million shekels toward sanitation in East Jerusalem to the Municipality’s budget! These funds will be added in 2016, and continue annually.

"We Don't Want to Live in Filth!" Campaign

“We Don’t Want to Live in Filth!” Campaign

We’ve written about the campaign that MiniActive has been heading since the fall of 2015 here and here.  In addition, the “0202” Facebook pages have translated these posts into both the veteran  Hebrew  page as well as the new English  page:

These popular pages (over 15,000 likes in Hebrew over the past year, over 1,200 likes in English over the past two months) are followed closely by both municipality officials as well as journalists, and everyone who is anybody who cares about what happens in Jerusalem. In addition, we started tagging City Council members in the 0202 posts as well. “Hitorerut” party Council Members were those who made the efforts to impact 2016 budget in this regard.

The result – an additional 3 million shekels was allocated in the 2016 for sanitation in East Jerusalem, as well as 16 million shekels for purchases of equipment and vehicles that can be used in East Jerusalem! Both the Director General of the Municipality and the Director Operations Dept. supported this measure.

Garbage garbage, every day

Garbage garbage, every day


Our work hasn’t ended with the approval of the additional budget – we will be there to ensure that the equipment that is purchased will meet the needs of East Jerusalem’s Palestinian residents. For example – the garbage trucks that are purchased will be able to navigate East Jerusalem’s narrow streets and alleyways.

An equally important takeaway from this process – municipal officials are now talking about garbage in East Jerusalem as a central problem that can’t be swept away using an old decrepit street-sweeping machine.

We’re very excited about this news, but it’s not our success – it’s that of the MiniActive network, and that of the Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem.  Kol Hakavod! Kul ElIhtiram (كل الاحترام)! May we soon see the difference in the streets and garbage cans.

Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation for their continuing support of this program.

Baka’a Open Space Town Meeting

We’re back in Baka’a! We worked intensively with the Baka’a Community Council a few years ago, and more recently have focused on specific nearby projects and areas such as the Railway Park, Talpiot, Abu Tor. But we’ve come back home, helping the community council to hold a community town meeting using Open Space Technology to re-jump community initiatives.


Introduction to Open Space Technology

Introduction to Open Space Technology

There were about 30 residents – young and old, immigrants from the US and France, religious and secular, as well as a group of youth in wheelchairs from the “Step Forward” organization.

Working in small groups

Working in small groups

This meeting on March 2, 2016,  brought up 12 different initiatives: a group to accompany children walking to school; developing edible forests; activities for immigrant youth from France; mutual assistance in the neighborhood; wall gardening; development of groups to advance tolerance in the neighborhood, and more.

Capacity building is one of the most important aspects of our Deliberative Democracy work in Baka’a – both with the residents and with the professional staff as well. Our job is that of mentor, helping the staff help the residents help themselves. Stay tuned for more developments!

Lechayim! From the Future Site of Barrakevet Cooperative Community Cafe

Let’s raise a virtual lechayim, to the future permanent location of Barrakevet, a volunteer-led Cooperative Community Café, that will be located along the Railway Park.

Raising a virtual lechayim

Raising a virtual lechayim

Barrakevet is one of the initiatives that we’ve been mentoring as part of our Deliberative Democracy work with activists from the Katamon-Baka’a – Katamonim area along the Jerusalem Railway Park (See here and here for more), thanks to support from the UJA-Federation of New York. Thus far, they’ve set up shop out in the open, sometimes next to the bus-stop-cum-library called the Reading Station, sometimes other places, but always requiring good weather to operate.

Their ultimate goal is to obtain an old train car as a permanent home. One of the first steps in this process is finding a suitable location for this car, which was the goal of initiators’ recent tour together with municipal officials along the Park. Final locations are still being discussed, but it’s important that the dialogue continues.  They’re also discussing different models and partnerships for operation. Next step will be to get that car…

Near the Gonenim Park

Near the Gonenim Park


Below is a short movie that was made of the tour (in Hebrew) .

May we soon be toasting lechayim from the Barrakevet cafe!

Window to Mt. Zion – Fostering Interreligious Agreement?

The diversity in the room was striking – Franciscan monks, policemen in uniform, Orthodox, Armenian and Catholic monks, Ashkenazi and Sephardi Rabbis, men and women, “Window to Mt. Zion” organizers from the Jerusalem Intercultural Center (JICC) and Search for Common Ground. On Wednesday, February 17, the entire diversity of residents of Mt. Zion gathered at the JICC offices to discuss and listen to a presentation by officials from the Jerusalem Development Authority (JDA) on their plans to develop parts of the Mountain.

Meeting with all Mt. Zion's residents in one room

Meeting with all Mt. Zion’s residents in one room

The JDA officials described their plans to develop the area of the Greek Garden during 2017, on the southern slopes of Mt. Zion. This corner is particularly loved by all of us, since it is the only open space on Mt. Zion. The plans seek to create a pleasant and safe space for residents and visitors, and will include paving walkways, new lighting, garbage cans and security cameras.

Listening to Jerusalem Development Authority

Listening to Jerusalem Development Authority

Such cooperation on Mt. Zion is not to be taken for granted. We’ve worked very hard to be able to get everyone into one room. Read more about “Window to Mount Zion” on our blog category and at the dedicated site on it (in Hebrew). We hope for much future cooperation between and among all the residents of Mt. Zion. May our cooperation be an example for inter-religious cooperation in Jerusalem, and throughout the region.

Thanks to the USIP for their support to this project!

The JDA presentation

The JDA presentation

Building Community, Building Playgrounds – from Blocks to Mortar

A few months ago we described a fascinating process that we facilitated in a number of neighborhoods, helping community professionals and local residents plan local themed playgrounds. The process took several months, during which both residents and professionals discussed concepts that it was important for the playgrounds to convey.

Inviting to the planning process

Inviting to the planning process

Together, plans were drawn up and submitted to the planning architects. The beginning, brainstorming stage, looked like this:

Plans on paper in Gilo

Plans on paper in Gilo

Translated into professional sketch...

Translated into professional sketch…

Now, several months later, the plans have become real! A few weeks ago the municipal planners’ southern region posted the following pictures:

Persimmon St. Playground today

Persimmon St. Playground, Gilo, today

As they describe the park: “Two levels were developed, one for the younger ages and one that will serve the older population, with an emphasis on a safe environment for the children. Equipment was installed that will combine and develop children’s creativity in swinging, sliding, jumping, hanging, climbing and spinning around.”

More fun in Gilo

More fun in Gilo


It looks like so much fun!

0202 – Toward First Birthday Celebrations

Happy Birthday!!!!  0202 – A View from East Jerusalem is getting ready to celebrate its first birthday! Here’s the link to the Hebrew Facebook event, which will take place on March 9.

Over the past year, 0202 has garnered more than 15,000 likes and reaches tens of thousands of viewers each week, including prominent and influential local and national officials and journalists. A few months ago 0202 established an English Facebook page, which itself has over 1,200 likes in just over 2 months. There is also an internet site for those who prefer to read 0202 without Facebook!

Shira, one of the page’s initiators as well as translators and editors, was recently interviewed on the Shalem College’s web site:

“I’d like it if the page piques people’s curiosity and causes them to research and to want to get to know the other culture, because today neither side is deeply acquainted with the other. We need more glasses to see reality through,” says Shira. The 0202 volunteers make sure not to take a stand [on what they translate], but translate the articles as close as possible to the original. “Last year I translated articles about the stabbing at the Gay Pride Parade. I took articles from four sources, including a news site that is identified with the Hamas and a Facebook page of young students. There were those who called the event the “Pride Parade” and those who called it “Pervert Parade.” If I soften what they write and adapt it to what I’d like to see written, I wouldn’t be doing my job. We want to bring the authentic Arabic-speaking voices to Hebrew speakers, and we spend a lot of time and discussions among the staff how to translate controversial phrases.”

Shira, 0202 translator and editor

Shira, 0202 translator and editor

Here’s the link to the full article, in Hebrew.

Want to learn more about the behind-the-scenes work at 0202? Come to the event next Wednesday!

Many thanks to the UJA-Federation of New York and the Jerusalem Foundation for their general support of 0202, and to the Leichtag Foundation, which enabled the launching of the 0202 – A View from East Jerusalem in English.

It’s Official: Zion Square is branded as a Square for Tolerance and Dialogue!

In summer 2014, Kikar Zion (Zion Square) in Jerusalem became a hot spot and flash point of racism and xenophobia. It was not the first time for the Square (read here about its history), but this new wave began after the kidnapping and murder of three Jewish boys in June 2014 seemed to usher in a new era of constant violence and tension in downtown Jerusalem.

However, something unexpected happened. A group of activists came to the Square, in the beginning to mourn the murder of the three Jewish boys, and then the murder of the Arab boy, Muhammad Abu Khdeir. But unlike other activists who shouted slogans at one another and sometimes escalated to violence, these activists showed empathy and suggested dialogue, even to those who perceived them as the ‘enemy.’ These activists came from the entire political spectrum, and eventually adopted the name, Medabrim Bakikar, (Speaking in the Square). Theirs is an exciting story, the story of hope for the Square, for Jerusalem and hopefully for the region. You can read more about these brave activists here, in our last blog post about them, or by clicking on the Promoting Tolerance in Jerusalem Activism category. Many of the posts there are about them. Speaking in the Square is an independent group but the JICC helps them in many ways, with the support  UJA-Federation of New York and the Jerusalem Foundation.

When Speaking in the Square began in Zion Square it was scary to sit on the ground or speak about politics in the darkness. Violence and hatred were in the air. With time, their persistence in coming every week and speaking about about dialogue in the square as well as on social media, the atmosphere changed. Many heard about this miracle of dialogue and then other groups were able – and wanted – to come. It was natural, then, that when there was a murder during the Gay Parade of 2015, the vigils of mourning and calls for tolerance did not take place at the point of murder, but instead at Zion Square. This is when we first understood that Speaking in the Square had succeeded in “re-branding” the Square to a Square of Tolerance and Dialogue. In the wake of the murder this past summer, Speaking in the Square were joined by the Yerushalmit Movement, the Jerusalem Open House, top municipal officials, and others who started to arrive to promote these values in the Square.

But now, it is official!!!! The municipality announced that Zion Square will officially become a ‘Square of Tolerance.’

Newspaper article, "Zion Square for Mutual Respect and Tolerance"

Newspaper article, “Zion Square for Mutual Respect and Tolerance”

The Municipality has recently announced an architectural competition to re-design and re-brand Zion Square. And this new design must include elements that advance tolerance and mutual respect.

Mayor Nir Barkat noted on the Jerusalem Municipality’s Hebrew web page and on his Facebook page, “From a square that has many times represented disputes within society, we decided, together with the Banky family [whose daughter, Shira, was murdered during the Gay Pride parade in August 2015], to turn the Square into a place that advances connections, tolerance and mutual respect, just like Shira, z”l. I am sure that it will be a fascinating, important and value-laden challenge to the architectural competition – that will add a great deal.”

This accomplishment is the result of the collective work of all those who continue to speak, talk, discuss and argue in Zion Square.

And they’ll even be able to influence the physical aspects of the public sphere – At the request of the competition organizers, Speaking in the Square and other Zion Square activists are meeting on Sunday, March 6 to brainstorm design ideas for the new Zion Square.

We’ll definitely keep you updated!

Recognize Zion Square?

Recognize Zion Square?

We must thank again the the UJA-Federation of New York and the Jerusalem Foundation for their support of our efforts to promote tolerance in the public sphere in Jerusalem. Without their help, we could not impact the squares of Jerusalem!

MiniActive Horticulture Therapy – In the Spirit of Springtime

We’re enjoying unseasonably warm weather here in Jerusalem, and we thought we’d share some beautiful pictures from our MiniActive Horticulture Therapy Course. This first-ever course in Arabic began in December and is running through May, in cooperation with the David Yellin Academic College of Education.

Working in the garden

Working in the garden

The course is taking place at one of the largest schools for special education in East Jerusalem, in Beit Hanina. Alongside the theoretical study, the women have begun working with the children. Such fun to be working outside!

With individual attention

With individual attention

Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation for their ongoing support of this program.

Learning about nature

Learning about nature

Promoting Tolerance on the Radio

Radio? Did someone say radio?

Yesterday, three initiatives that we’ve been working with over the past year and more – 0202 – A View from East Jerusalem (both in Hebrew and in English), Speaking in the Square, and the Abu-Tor/A-Thuri Good Neighbors project – were featured on the Microphones for Peace program on the JLM.FM web radio station.

Daniel described what he’s learned and discovered as part of “Speaking in the Square”. “I’ve discovered the great diversity of Jerusalemites; I’ve met many of the ‘reasonable Jerusalemites.’ We’ve discovered that in Zion Square, even the raging masses are willing to listen.”

In the Microphones for Peace studio

In the Microphones for Peace studio

Aliza described the uniqueness of the program in Abu Tor / Al-Thuri, which is currently developing a number of joint programs. “As opposed to trying to influence the entire public sphere, we’re working on a much more personal level. We’re building trust on a very personal level, and only then will we even think about opening up our activities to people from outside the neighborhood. I’m discovering, to my pleasant surprise, that both sides are excited to get to know one another, to see what life is like for our neighbors.”

Michal, who made 0202 happen, told the story of the making of a Facebook channel of communications that transformed for many the understanding of East Jerusalem. She also talked about her work with us at the JICC in creating the tolerance neighborhood network of Jerusalem.

Kol Hakavod for everyone’s efforts – keep up the good work!

Many thanks to the UJA-Federation of New York and the Jerusalem Foundation for their support of our work to promote tolerance in Jerusalem.


MiniActive – Seeing Physical Improvements Again

We’ve reported here in the past about the plethora of projects that the MiniActive women have been able to get done in their neighborhoods over the past several years. This has been an exponential increase over even the smallest improvements that had taken place previously.

Unfortunately, the past few months have been challenging – as the security situation became more tenuous, services from the municipality noticeably slowed. MiniActive women, however, did not give up. They continued to call, and began to write letters, and did not stop posting on their Facebook page. In addition, some of the posts from the MiniActive Facebook page were also translated into Hebrew on the 0202 Facebook Page and in English on the 0202 – A View from East Jerusalem Facebook page, which are followed by top municipal officials, journalists and human rights organizations. Regardless of the political situation, the municipality is required to provide basic services to its residents.

It seems as if this persistence is paying off. This past week MiniActive posted two instances of the municipality fixing local roads – something we haven’t seen for a long time. Here is one instance in Beit Hanina:

Road work in Beit Hanina

Road work in Beit Hanina

And another from A-Tur:

Road work in A-Tur

Road work in A-Tur

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