
MiniActive Women – New First Aid Course

MiniActive is affecting women’s lives – and the lives of so many other Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem – in so many ways – from fixing public nuisances, helping the environment, learning Hebrew to better communicate with service providers, baking, exercise, and more. Now, they’re learning first aid.

Learning first aid

Learning first aid

There have been first aid courses in the past, and this is an important part of their involvement in improving life in the community. There are currently 25 women in this class.

First lesson

First lesson

The post from the MiniActive Facebook page in Arabic:

More recently they learned about preventing accidents in the home

The dangers of home accidents

The dangers of home accidents

And the beginning of CPR:

Beginning the principles of CPR

Beginning the principles of CPR

Here’s another post from the MiniActive Facebook page:

MiniActive Youth Project Finale

Did you ever think that a school guard’s hut could look like this?

Guard hut

Guard hut

This is one of many pictures that we can share with you from the new MiniActive Youth project decorating public areas in East Jerusalem. (Click here for more information.)

Plastic bottle planters

Plastic bottle planters

From planters made from plastic bottles, to decorative electrical cabinets to painted garbage dumpsters, this group of 17 teenage girls from all over Jerusalem – Jebel Mukaber, Ras al-Amud, Silwan, Issawiya, Beit Hanina, Sur Baher and the Old City – have used recycled objects to make a range of projects. This project seeks to focus on recycling and the environment.

Hard at work

Hard at work

The group’s last meeting was on April 10. Congratulations to all the participants!

We still never tire of these Minions

We still never tire of these Minions

And here’s the post in Arabic from the MiniActive Facebook page:

MiniActive Event for Families

On March 29 MiniActive held an event for the women and their families. This year, there were 350 women at the event, which was held at the Abnaa al-Quds Community Center in the Muslim Quarter. Program director Intisar Qaraeen praised the women’s accomplishments and encouraged them to continue their amazing work. She later presented cluster coordinators with certificates of appreciation. They are the ones who keep pushing the program forward in the neighborhoods – congratulations to all!

The program also featured a Debka traditional dance performance by young women.

Dancers in traditional garb

Dancers in traditional garb

There was also a lecture by our own Atta’a Center for Rights Realization for Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem. Daud Alian, Attaa director introduced the volunteer-based service, which helps Palestinian resident obtain their legal rights and benefits, and gave a few examples of rights that can be claimed from the National Insurance Institute or the Ministry of the Interior.

Atta'a lecture

Atta’a lecture

A third highlight was a lecture on religion. The lecturer discussed a number of passages from the Quran – from the commandment to take care of the environment, to the bases of faith, to the importance of women as educators in the family. He spoke about the importance of keeping personal as well as public space clean and well-preserved as an integral part of the Islamic faith.

This annual event seeks to thank the women and their families for their hard work and persistence throughout the year. Now it’s our turn – thank you, shukran!

Atta’a – Helping Palestinian Residents of East Jerusalem Obtain their Rights

‘Awareness is the first step toward change,’ is the adage that guides Atta’a, the Center for Rights Realization for Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem. Atta’a was founded in 2005, and recently came under our aegis. There is much work to be done, and we’re excited to build on the hard work and network that have been put into establishing the rights center.

Over the past few months Atta’a has been busy building its infrastructure. First there was the web site (in Arabic):

Attaa screen shot

Attaa screen shot

The Facebook Page (also in Arabic) has grown to more than 1,400 likes in the past four months alone:

A few weeks ago we told you here about the brochure that they published. And more are on the way.

Cover of rights booklet

Cover of rights booklet

Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation for their continued support of this program.

MiniActive – Horticulture Therapy Course Takes a Trip

We’ve proudly shared here and here the progress that’s being made by the MiniActive women involved in the first-ever Arabic-language horticulture therapy course that we’re operating in cooperation with the David Yellin Academic College of Education.

Horticulture therapy course at Ramat Hanadiv

Horticulture therapy course at Ramat Hanadiv

As the course nears its completion, participants received an extra treat – a trip to Ramat Hanadiv, a large complex of carefully-groomed gardens located between Zichron Ya’akov and Benyamina in the north of the country.

In the gardens

In the gardens

In addition to touring around the beautiful gardens, participants had an opportunity to create their own projects.

Looking at new projects

Looking at new projects

What fun!

Creating their own designs

Creating their own designs

Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation for their continued support of this program. Here’s the link from the MiniActive Facebook page in Arabic:

We’ll Never get “Tired” of this Minion – Palestinian Teenagers for the Environment

Did you know you could make a minion this from a stack of tires?

Well never get "tired" of this minion

Well never get “tired” of this minion

That would be our new group of Palestinian teenage girls, who are volunteering to improve for their neighborhoods and environments. Recently they held a number of activity days, recycling and re-purposing old materials into new. Here are some pictures of the process:

Chipping in to make surroundings nicer

Chipping in to make surroundings nicer

They not only don’t want to live in filth, they also want to live in a beautiful environment. They decorated old plastic bottles,

nice picture of youth working

Youth working

DVD’s, and more:

Painting discs

Painting discs

They made planters out of old plastic bottles:

Making painted bottle planters

Making painted bottle planters

They painted telephone cabinets

Painting telephone cabinets as well

Painting telephone cabinets as well


And even old rusty dumpsters. Here’s a picture of the dumpster before

Before - rusted old dumpster

Before – rusted old dumpster

And now you can see it after:

The dumpster after - what a joyous site!

The dumpster after – what a joyous site!

Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation for its continuing support of this program. Here’s the link to one of the Facebook posts in Arabic:

Ha’aretz Coverage of Zion Square-Tolerance Square Planning Meeting

Speaking in the Square has made the national news again! On March 22, the Zion Square – Tolerance Square planning meeting, which we wrote about here, was covered by the Ha’aretz national newspaper in English. Click here to access the entire article.

Here are some excerpts from the article, written by Eetta Prince-Gibson:

“Imagine Zion Square in the future,” the facilitator asks the group. “What is happening in your ideal square?”
Seated at tables stocked with play dough, building blocks and Lego pieces, they shout out their answers.
“It’s filled with light and there are lots of children,” says a woman who appears to be in her 20s, in jeans and high boots.

“I hear a mishmash of languages. Yiddish, too,” says a young man in tight skinny striped pants.
“Fruit trees!” “Light and shade!” “Lots of different things happening all at once!” people call out.
“It’s a Hyde Park!” says a middle-aged-looking man in the black velvet kippah, white shirt and black pants garb of the ultra-Orthodox.

In early March, a group of 50 or so Jerusalemites of different ages, political affiliations and religious persuasions met to articulate their vision for Zion Square, the central square in downtown West Jerusalem. Uniting them is their deep commitment to the vision of Jerusalem as a thriving city that derives from its history, sanctity and modern creativity.

These activists, representing a large, loose coalition of organizations, ad hoc movements and individuals, have been meeting for informal dialogue every Thursday night in Zion Square for over a year and a half, since extremist right-wing violence began to spread through downtown Jerusalem during the days of the Israel-Gaza conflict in the summer of 2014.

In response to their activism, the Jerusalem municipality has determined that, as a major component of its call for a competition for a planned redesign of the square, Zion Square will be turned into “a place that promotes connections, tolerance and mutual respect.”

She goes on to describe the history of Zion Square, especially since the summer of 2014:

But by July 2014, during the heat of the Gaza war known as Operation Protective Edge, the square had been largely claimed by a right-wing extremist group, Lahava, which bills itself as the “organization for the prevention of assimilation in the Holy Land.” Dressed in black and yellow shirts, they would march repeatedly through the square, waving large flags, handing out stickers “don’t even think about a Jewish girl” in Hebrew and Arabic, and accosting anyone they perceived to be Arab, members of the LGBT community, or “leftists.”

“We realized we had to try to take back the square,” recalls Michal Shilor, 23, an activist in what was to become “Talking in the Square,” [translation of the group’s Hebrew name, Medabrim Bakikar, what we call Speaking in the Square] a group of volunteers operating with the support of the UJA-Federation of New York and the Jerusalem Foundation. “But we also realized that many of the kids in Lahava were alienated kids who were looking for something to belong to. So we decided to engage them.”

Facilitated by the Jerusalem Intercultural Center, “Talking in the Square” [Speaking in the Square] developed a routine, coming into the square on Thursday nights, a favorite night for Lahava activities, offering to engage Lahava activists – and anyone else who happened upon the square – in thoughtful dialogue. Gradually, over the year, and very much under the radar of the media, they became recognized as a permanent, and calming, feature.

Activity in the Square

Activity in the Square

But then came the murder of Shira Banki, a 16-year-old high school student at the Gay Pride Parade in late July 2015.

“We felt we were choking,” recalled Shira Katz-Vinkler, CEO of the Yerushalmim Movement. “Something so horrific was happening in Jerusalem and in all of Israeli society, and we knew we could not continue with ‘business as usual.’”

And somehow, Katz-Vinkler continues, “we all knew that the activity had to concentrate in Zion Square. Maybe it’s a way of expressing that ‘from Zion shall go forth Torah,’” she adds, citing a phrase from the books of Isaiah and Micha.

On August 1, thousands of Jerusalemites turned out in Zion Square to a vigil, headed by President Reuven Rivlin and with the participation of prominent rabbis from all the different religious streams, including the ultra-Orthodox, representatives of the LGBT support organization Jerusalem Open House, and others.

Recalls Weil, who had been at the Pride Parade, “I came to that vigil sad, broken. Yet, strangely, I came away feeling a sense of hope, based on the recognition that we can only heal if we all come together.”

After Banki died, the Yerushalmim Movement, together with Talking in the Square, spontaneously decided to observe the traditional seven-day mourning period in the square. They have continued to be there, every Thursday night, ever since, in an effort to rebrand the square as tolerant turf.

Fast forward to February 2016. The Jerusalem Municipality issued a competition to re-design Zion Square. The Mayor was persuaded to dedicate the square to dialogue and tolerance, and any design must include elements that promote these concepts. The article continues:

“The design of the square will be a real challenge,” says Roi Lavee, an architect employed by the municipality as a planner for the city center. “On the one hand, we want the square to be comfortable for everyone – Arabs, Jews, religious, secular, young, old. It is also a commercial space, and we want it to be a space that gives expression to the arts and creativity. It’s a huge project – but I believe that Jerusalem is up for it.”

Stay tuned for more developments on the planning and design of Zion Square. Here’s the post to the article via Facebook:

More Success for MiniActive – Bus Stop Benches in Shuafat

It should be simple, going to take the bus. You go to the bus stop, have a seat, and wait for the bus to arrive. Right?

Not necessarily, if you live in East Jerusalem. For many, this is a regular sight at the bus stop.

Common state of bus stops

Common state of bus stops

For almost two years the MiniActive women have been registering complaints about these benches with the municipality, which is responsible for them. Together with MiniActive, we finally turned to the person in charge of bus stops at the Municipality. She suggested that the contractor in charge of performing the work tour the problematic bus stops, together with the MiniActive women. The tour took place on Sunday, March 13, and by Friday, March 18, all of the bus stops had been fixed!

Fixing a bench in Shuafat

Fixing a bench in Shuafat


Parts have already been ordered to begin fixing benches in Beit Hanina. We expect there to be tours to additional East Jerusalem neighborhoods soon.

Finally, a bench to sit on

Finally, a bench to sit on

Congratulations to MiniActive on their perseverance that is finally paying off. Let’s hope the Municipality keeps up the pace.

Fixing things right with heavy machinery

Fixing things right with heavy machinery

Here’s the cross-post from 0202-A View from East Jerusalem, which translated the original post from the MiniActive Facebook page:

Charming Pictures of the MiniActive Garden

We’ve been following here and here the development of MiniActive’s horticulture therapy course taking place in Beit Hanina.

The beautiful garden

The beautiful garden

Participants are learning themselves, as well as practicing with the kids.

The beautiful garden

The beautiful garden

It’s quite amazing seeing how the garden is shaping up.

The beautiful garden

The beautiful garden

It’s such a pleasure to present these beautiful pictures!

Flowers, flowers everywhere

Flowers, flowers everywhere

More of the building in progress:

Beginning the landscaping

Beginning the landscaping

These accomplishments were cross-posted on the English 0202 – A View from East Jerusalem‘s Facebook page:

And here’s the post from MiniActive’s Facebook page:

Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation for their ongoing support of this project.

MiniActive – Replicating the Model in Lod

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…

We’re proud to announce that, after more than 3 years of generating amazing grassroots change in East Jerusalem (read here for more about our accomplishments), activists from Lod asked us to bring MiniActive to the central city of Lod.

First meeting of MiniActive Lod

First meeting of MiniActive Lod

Their first meeting was held this week, in which our coordinator Intisar, explained the background and methodology of the program. She’ll be on hand to mentor them as they get started.

Initial introductions

Initial introductions

Congratulations MiniActive Lod, and good luck!

The presentation

The presentation

Here’s the Facebook post in Arabic:

And also translated into English:

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