Yet another accomplishment for the Little Prince – Cleaning up Jerusalem Together. This time, one of our leading activists, Ronen Weil, was recognized by the Mayor, in a special prize awarded to local residents and activists who volunteer to improve their immediate surroundings.

Mayor Lion and all prize winners, courtesy of Municipality Spokesman's Office

Mayor Lion and all prize winners, picture from Municipality Spokesman’s Office

This news was published in both national and local Jerusalemite news sources, here and here, respectively. The official statement praised Ronen, for his:

Extensive contribution to the neighborhood of Homat Shmuel (Har Homa) in the areas of physical infrastructures, transportation and cleaning up the city. Ronen is part of the Little Prince – Cleaning Up Jerusalem Together project.

He takes great care in bringing about changes in the neighborhood public sphere that will benefit the residents, while ensuring that all tasks and projects are completed and seen through to fruition.

At the ceremony, Mayor Lion said:

The city of Jerusalem is the only city in the country where almost one in every three residents volunteers, for the betterment of the entire society, for his or her neighborhood, for weakened populations, for animals, and more, and we have that to be proud of. Jerusalem’s unique mix that makes it unique in Israel and the world. Together and apart they are what make Jerusalemites better and more caring people. Thank you, each and every one of you. Because of you we have such a great city.

Thank you, Mayor Lion for those inspiring words. Congratulations Ronen and all of the activists in the Little Prince!

Many thanks to the Rayne Foundation and the Jerusalem Foundation for their support of the Little Prince.

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