Cultural Competence Training – Clalit Secondary Care Clinics – November 11, 2009
As a part of our project that aims to incorporate cultural competence into the Jerusalem medical system, we are working with the secondary care clinics of the Clalit medical services. It is a long process in which we are facilitating a day-long workshops to staff of these clinics from all over Jerusalem. The first training in the series was held on June 30, 2009.
Today we held the second training. In between these two trainings, we significantly upgraded the workshop, based on the feedback we received after the first workshop. We also developed improved case studies for the simulation and role-playing parts. By the end of the workshop today we felt that the workshop in its current version is fit for replication. The special component of the workshop is the simulation of cross-cultural cases with the help of professional actors. The cases mainly demonstrate interactions with Arab patients and with Ultra-Orthodox and Ethiopian Jewish patients.
The plan is to train in the coming two years all the staff in the Clalit secondary care clinics in Jerusalem. In parallel, we work to assimilate cultural competency in the clinics in additional ways, such as training bilingual interpreters, improving communication between primary-care Arabic-speaking physicians and the secondary-care physicians, etc.