Synagogue set on fire in Lod – October 30
Unknown vandals hurled a Molotov cocktail into a synagogue in the city of Lod on October 29, 2008, sparking a small fire. No injuries were reported but the structure sustained a minor damage. While the police began its investigation the next day, the Mayor understood that such an event can spark Arab-Jewish riots in the city, and immediately called for a meeting with key officials and with members of the Lod Multicultural Forum. The Forum was initiated last year by Orit Yulzari, the Lod community worker, and is operated with the JICC’ day-to-day support. The Mayor has just recently, a few days ago, met the forum for the first time (read here about this meeting) and quickly realized that this group of committed community leaders can be pivotal in preventing events similar to the riots which broke out in Acre from happening in Lod. This was the first time for the forum to be summoned to help in such an event and the members were most helpful in delivering calming messages to their communities.
Later on the police arrested two Arab brothers who denied any connection to the case. The Lod Multicultural forum now has to ensure that peace remains in Lod in the coming days.