Since the coronavirus crisis hit Israel – and especially the French-speaking community – in February, we’ve been updating you about the important work that Santé Israël has been doing. You can read about it here and here and here.

Marie interview withQualita

Marie interview withQualita

Santé Israël’s Marie Avigad continues to help French speakers in Israel get through the virus. In addition to ongoing work online and through the project’s Facebook page, Marie has also been providing important information via the Qualita organization, which seeks to assist French-speaking olim in Israel. She recently gave an interview, in French, obviously, she spoke about Sante Israel in general, and especially during the coronavirus period:

In a separate interview, Qualita Chairman Gérard Benhamou, thanked Sante Israel for its work (at 2.05)

Many thanks to the Pharmadom Foundation for their continued support of Santé Israël over the years.

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