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MiniActive – Providing Emergency Assistance to Single Mothers in the Wake of the Coronavirus Crisis

Every year, during the Ramadan holiday, our MiniActive network of Palestinian women in East Jerusalem distributes food packages to needy families during the Ramadan holiday. You can read about their first distribution here.

Organizing food packages for needy single-parent families
Organizing food packages for needy single-parent families

But this year, due to the coronavirus crisis, needs were far greater, and many families, especially single mothers, needed extra assistance. So MiniActive organized a second shipment of food packages. Through its network of 1,000 women and through advertisements on the Internet and social media, MiniActive identified 50 families – mainly single parents – that urgently needed food and baby supplied.

Helping those who've been left behind
Helping those who’ve been left behind

Packages were delivered throughout East Jerusalem, including:

  • Kufr Aqeb;
  • Anata
  • Jebel Mukaber
  • Silwan
  • Ras el-Amud
  • Wad Kadum
  • Wadi Joz
  • Old City

Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation for their emergency assistance in this project. And many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation and to Natan for their ongoing support of MiniActive!