A large part of MiniActive’s activities are to build community – often through language classes (Hebrew, English) or various other types of enrichment. This has proven especially important during the COVID-19 crisis. When it isn’t possible to meet in person, MiniActive has been excellent at moving its enrichment activities online.

Building online community

Members of the 1,000 strong MiniActive network for Palestinian women in  East Jerusalem have been learning Hebrew for the past several years. This year, many of the lessons – at least for now – have moved online. Here’s a post from their Facebook page (in Arabic) about that:

They’ve been learning how to cook and bake:


And how to make planters and wall-hangings as well:

Thank you, MiniActive, for maintaining and building community safely, even in these difficult times. And many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation and to Natan for their ongoing support of MiniActive!

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