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MiniActive – Online Anti-COVID-19 Workshops

We’ve written here, here, and here about how the MiniActive network of 1,000 Palestinian women in East Jerusalem is helping to fight this wave of the coronavirus.

Yet another direction their taking is through online testimonials, followed by sincere and honest questions and answers.

First Zoom session with 50 participants
First Zoom session with 50 participants

They are doing this through Zoom sessions every few days for women in the network, each time discussing a different aspect of how the coronavirus has affected the lives of different women.

Many participants tuned in to hear about coronavirus in the family first-hand
Many participants tuned in to hear about coronavirus in the family first-hand

On August 30, for example, one woman – one of MiniActive’s volunteer regional coordinators – discussed how it was for her and her family to live through the coronavirus. Nearly 50 people attended this Zoom session. Here’s a Facebook post from MiniActive about it:[0]=AZUaVPjOGCqBxsXTWZo70_1Y38FiT1xR_8VrYGqMNi2se5uaOl2nYpo7VdgTFb_EIjag1AGiMaVr4xHae_O1gE8HnMm3aNqHzKZ0bMPEpsEl7bmx2MIWWb9ipE5YkQyQ0DHCaLguDD4kR5KbJnWOWIi58zRqZo_LAjr7QNbOeWFFgw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

In a second session, a woman, who accompanies her sick son to tests and treatments at the hospital, described how one should – or should not – act in hospitals and medical centers, especially during the coronavirus crisis. She also spoke about how things many people do – which are not according to the guidelines – serve to spread the disease and make matters much worse. There were some 30 women who participated in this session. Here’s the Facebook post from the MiniActive page regarding that session:[0]=AZXIGg3hlUtqnQrG26iyqibTJETIUmIcDOCNf4rKJpcF2RvuWMHRax5xjqobtD38uEswwhSDn9i0tcPr4b65gCY5zyU3fBWpLoNy4yKsetVIG_M-cTbf-O1800Ng0HN3x8WSrKjGeBh6x4T0FbENdDqNj7nhX1ag-M4F12H9pPwV9g&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

MiniActive plans to continue these sessions, each time focusing on a different aspect. In the near future, for example, the project will feature a doctor to speak about some of the medical aspects. We’ll keep you posted!

Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation and to Natan for their ongoing support of MiniActive!