What’s in a number? Sometimes little, sometimes a great deal. Especially if it’s an Israeli ID number (Teudat Zehut), that is given to all residents of East Jerusalem, which enables them to receive social, municipal, and welfare services.

The Atta’a Assistance Center for the Rights of East Jerusalem Residents helps Palestinians from East Jerusalem on an ongoing basis. A few weeks ago we began helping a woman receive her Israeli ID number. This is crucially important, as it would entitle her to receive social and public services, and in general, be a registered entity.
We were introduced to this woman through a social worker who works at a shelter that helps disadvantaged women. There was a 25-year-old Arab woman from East Jerusalem who had no Teudat Zehut (Israeli identity card) number. Her parents do not recognize her as theirs and she isn’t registered as a citizen or resident anywhere. She’s lived at the shelter for the past 3 years. She met someone and wants to marry him, but legally she can’t do so because she doesn’ have an Israeli ID number. They tried to find ways around the legal issues, but we suggested she meet with a lawyer, a volunteer with Atta’a. The lawyer explained all sides to the issue and possible directions, as well as their legal, social and personal implications. The woman is working with a second lawyer, also an Atta’a volunteer, to apply to a special committee of the Ministry of the Interior that deals with humanitarian issues, so that she can receive an Israeli ID number, which is granted to all residents of East Jerusalem.
By the way, a lawyer who volunteers with Atta’a, and who also works privately on cases with the Ministry of Interior, told us that through Atta’a, 90% of the cases are approved. And through his private office, only 50% are approved. Great work, Atta’a!
We’ll keep you posted as this case unfolds.
Many thanks to the Jerusalem Foundation and the Leichtag Foundation for their support of Atta’a.