It should be simple, going to take the bus. You go to the bus stop, have a seat, and wait for the bus to arrive. Right?

Not necessarily, if you live in East Jerusalem. For many, this is a regular sight at the bus stop.

Common state of bus stops

Common state of bus stops

For almost two years the MiniActive women have been registering complaints about these benches with the municipality, which is responsible for them. Together with MiniActive, we finally turned to the person in charge of bus stops at the Municipality. She suggested that the contractor in charge of performing the work tour the problematic bus stops, together with the MiniActive women. The tour took place on Sunday, March 13, and by Friday, March 18, all of the bus stops had been fixed!

Fixing a bench in Shuafat

Fixing a bench in Shuafat


Parts have already been ordered to begin fixing benches in Beit Hanina. We expect there to be tours to additional East Jerusalem neighborhoods soon.

Finally, a bench to sit on

Finally, a bench to sit on

Congratulations to MiniActive on their perseverance that is finally paying off. Let’s hope the Municipality keeps up the pace.

Fixing things right with heavy machinery

Fixing things right with heavy machinery

Here’s the cross-post from 0202-A View from East Jerusalem, which translated the original post from the MiniActive Facebook page:

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